Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dishwasher Diaries...

So today the part for the dishwasher comes in and I was excited beyond belief... I jump on the phone to the service company so they can come install it and they said tomorrow at the earliest. Well, a bit frustrated I say fine (I mean it's already like 2:00 when I call them). Then, I go down to pull the part out of the box to make sure it's the right one and it is... BUT the wiring inside is broken and they have to send the whole thing over again. I tried figuring a way to use the existing wiring, but no good... it's all built into the plastic and won't work. SO... It will now be Friday when the part gets here as I talked them into overnighting another one... Now I have to call the service company back to get them here Friday for sure... I guess I'm stuck doing at least one more load by hand :-(

- MC


Valley Girl said...

Dude, just use paper plates like I do when I'm lazy. It makes your life so much easier. =)

MC said...

I know... been trying. got plastic silver as well.

I was washing them by hand the other day and my loving wife heated herself up a piece of pizza on a regular plate and ate it with a real knife and fork... then brought it to me and set it in the sink like no big deal... Needless to say, I thought that was crap! :)