Friday, December 21, 2007


So I am completely obsessed with the band Angels & Airwaves... I really loved there first album, "We Don't Need to Whisper", other than one song "It Hurts" (sorry guys, but it's annoying). Anyway... I've been working on a proposal all week and when I'm doing things that require focus, I put on my headphones and listen to music. Most people can't comprehend that, but it's true. I can focus better on the task at hand when I get music going in the background and it's all I can hear. Even when I was programming, it worked for me.

Monday, I downloaded the new Angels album, I-Empire, and I must say that its TOTALLY AWESOME!!! I listen to it all the way through without any skipping of songs and have done so about 4 times a day all week... Not even close to being sick of it :-)

Also, I went out to the band's website (Angels & Airwaves link) and poked around. Pretty cool how and why they came together... Read Tom's bio to get better insight on their motivation as it's positive and kinda inspiring considering the music industry these days.

Not only have I had a great album occupying my time and interest, but I also started receiving Discover magazine this week. Really awesome and probably the first mag in a long time where I truly go through it reading every article. If you are enjoy programs on the Discovery Channel... you would really enjoy reading this magazine.

What is also really great about it is that it is current. The stories/articles are much more recent than what is on the TV because they don't need 6 months (or more) of shooting, editing, planning, etc... It's great to feel your keeping up with what the most intelligent people in the world are doing (and even better, what they are trying to do!!!)

Anyway, I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas holiday! I hope you all get to spend time with the ones you love (and get some excellent gifts as well)!! As for me, the wife, baby Brady and I will be hopping back and forth between the families trying not to eat 2 of every meal...

- MC

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